What to Do With Too Much Ambition?
Without ambition one starts nothing... Without work one finishes nothing.
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Up until last year, I was burned out to the core and needed to reset priorities.
Even if I take a rest, my mind doesn’t. It keeps racing to do multiple things at the same time.
I needed to reassess my priorities and what I want at the end of the day to build a sustainable life that I love.
And the hard thing is no one else can do it for you.
It’s all up to you — what to choose and how to do it.
What’s The True Cost of Being Ambitious?
For some, it’s the ultimate sacrifice: their health and time with their families.
Exhausted, stressed, and burnt out.
Not sure how and when to step back and reevaluate what success really looks like for them.
A sustained break is truly needed to feel refreshed and ready to tackle work that’s meaningful.
What’s Next?
Whenever you achieve anything, no matter how small or big it is, there is always a question, “Now, what’s next?”
If I am being honest, I don’t know.
I don’t have a solution to this one.
One part of me thinks ‘slow down, you’ve got your entire life.’
The other part of me thinks ‘why can’t I run’.
I can do all. I can have it all.
At a deep level, I know where I want to go, what my dream life is.
Because I believe myself and what kind of impact I want to have on the world.
I want people to get inspired and help them live healthier and happier lives.
Because everyone deserves to live a good life.
Ambition Is Good, Until It’s Not.
Prioritize Yourself.
Here’s the thing.
It’ll never be enough.
I was brought up with a mindset that the sky is the limit, and you need to hustle to get to where you want to reach.
If I’d had double the success, I’d want more.
Slowly, with time, I’ve realized that the trap is the constant ‘wanting’ mentality.
It’ll never be enough.
And there’s never going to be enough because the world doesn’t work like this.
Everyone is selling a dream life, and to live that dream life, you should constantly hustle.
Instead, realize that today, I’ve got more than enough in this moment.
And this world has enough for everyone.
Appreciate this moment and truly be present.
And it’s okay that you have this drive to keep going, but sometimes it’s equally okay to take a pause, rest, and step outside of yourself.
Treat yourself to many experiences that keep you on your toes and fill your heart with happiness.
Take care of yourself because there’s only one of you, and you are worth saving.
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All the best!